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The flag’s company is not official!

Here we have another situation where the flag’s company wants to have an official rank. New mistake. This time it is the tennis club Sporting Tenis Valencia (http://www.sportingclubdetenis.com). We trust this professional post serves to correct this mistake by leaving the details of protocol by staff without academic skills.

We observed the placement of three flags on the exterior of the facilities of this tennis club in Valencia city. Sporting Tennis Valencia ’s flag enjoys no official status with what should be separated from the flag of Spain and thefFlag of the Valencia Region. Should keep the three masts with such flags (not recommended solution), corporate flag and the Region’s one should be exchanged. That is not the case. So precedence is wrong in both situations. Very bad.IMG_8762

As Carlos Lafuente reminds in Protocol event. Techniques of organizing events (Ediciones Protocol ), on page 290: “Many companies are beginning to have their own flag that make you look outside their headquarters ( … ) the logic leads us to believe that we should follow
a similar solution university to teach, that is, place them in a special place alone and not mixed with the officers”. Take good note. To avoid repeating mistakes, take proper advice on details of institutional image and do not hesitate to contact us at : apla@planabout.es


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